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Von Restorff Effect in UX

Psychology has an important role in many aspects of our life, where many times we do not notice, and in the case of the UX (user experience) is no exception either in websites or applications. Even after all these years, it seems that UX is still a buzzword in many companies, but what is UX design then?

Psychology is one of those factors most used in the era of User-Centered Design, these factors allow us to design a better user interaction experience such as for web pages and applications that aim to satisfy the visitor through stimulating environments and intuitive. This is because we always remember things that stand out from other objects in a visual way, whether by shapes, sizes and colors.

For this purpose it is called Isolation, but it is also known as the Von Restorff Effect, which was called similar objects in a space and within these there must be one that differentiates what then causes the look automatically in such object.

This phenomenon causes people to value something different from the rest. Generally, UX designers use Von Restorff most of the time, when in a form there is a field with error this effect is applied, when we stand on the menu option of a website, in a special offer or certain ad that you want to highlight above others.

The UX design is then, that discipline of what the UX designers do and the user-centered design is the UX process. Design thinking is that other term widely used. Such practice generally includes user research, sketches, wireframing, interaction design, visual design, and prototyping, user testing and continuous iteration in the designs.

The aesthetic itself will not provide great ease of use, but only refers to how something looks. UX design refers to how something looks, feels and works. Great user experiences are essential for the design of any digital product to achieve success. Undoubtedly, great designs and aesthetics in general are quite important, but they are simply that final touch that serves as a complement to a usable product that is also a pleasure to use.

Certain designers call it “the paint layer” that is applied once everything is built. You fight for that aesthetic perfection while abandoning usability, it is a game that undoubtedly leads to losing. Usability is a crucial quality attribute that will determine how easy it is to use a product. It is very unlikely that a customer will worry about how a product looks if they cannot use it.

Instead of being just one step in the design process, UX design is an interactive and constant commitment to design thinking around a customer. The UX design is not limited to the confines of the computer. You don’t even need a screen, but the user experience is any interaction with any product, any artifact, or any system.

A UX designer has to make use of design principles and methodologies in order to carry out a process that manages to find solutions to specific problems. You have to appropriate the knowledge of different fields such as communication, psychology, anthropology, data analysis, marketing and business, to have a strategic vision, strengthen your perception of people’s behavior, and of course ensure the good of their customers.

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