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What is Design Thinking?

To talk about the meaning of the concept of “design thinking” we need to know the idea that is not related to it. Design Thinking is not considered a working method. The use of the word “method of work” indicates the existence of a fixed way ready and detailed step-by-step to be followed.

Stages of Design Thinking

1- Empathize

Put yourself in the position of the user you want to target and try to visualize his impressions. The more you can imagine the better results you will get. Try to live a traditional experience for this user in his surroundings to learn about his problems and challenges, what he likes, attracts, delights, and what he does not like in the experience you are designing.

Things that may be considered may include functions, legibility, font size and shape, color palette used, clear instructions, etc.

2- Define

Filter the information you gathered in the first stage and classify it in sections so that you can determine the type of problems that exist and then decide which problem you will solve. Make sure to choose an issue that concerns a broad cross-section of users so that when addressed, a large segment has benefited, and you feel the change.

3- Thinking creatively with Ideate

This is the time for brainstorming, or after brainstorming, after you’ve identified a problem, you’ll think about how to solve it. It is always best to brainstorm groups to develop ideas together. Do not exclude any idea at this stage, no matter how simple or unenforceable.

This is not the time to judge intentions, but record everything that comes to your mind in the context of the same problem, the goal is quantitative and not how I work to come up with the most significant possible number of ideas.

Encourage unconventional ideas and hear from your colleagues in the group, develope their ideas, and build on them. You can use visual representation (drawings or pictures) to facilitate the understanding of concepts. Try to tie things together and don’t think about each part alone.

After you have developed dozens of ideas to solve your problem, the classification stage is as follows:

  • Ideas that are possible or doable
  • Change games (a game idea)
  • Fun and entertaining ideas
  • Great challenge (the idea itself is a challenge)

4- Prototype

After arriving at the solution, consider how it will translate into a product or service that the user evokes for their experience and is not satisfied with viewing from afar. Try to build the workflow for it and to understand step by step what is needed for a user to achieve what you want them to: Make a purchase, leave a review, etc.

5- Test and Experiment

Have the user test your product or service for evaluation without talking or explaining details about how to use it. This way, you will know if the initial product or service is natural for the user or needs to be modified. Interest in learning at this stage, which is the first experience for the user and does not take the position of the justification and explain yourself. In the end and after the experiment is finished, you can provide a simple explanation of the functions and possibilities of the service or product that you have created.

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